
Re: monitoring / performance tools for M

Denver <��DBraughler��@��bwcc�com>
Re: monitoring / performance tools for M
06 Jun 2005 22:53:21 -0400

Welcome, Rodger.

> I'm curious what tools are available for M that can monitor and provide
> performance information.

- perhaps not a lot. But there isn't a lot to worry about.

> I'm not very familiar with M, although from
> what I've read, it's somewhat like Perl.

In that both easy to use, use scoped variable without strict typing, and use ASCII characters for coding, they are alike.
Those things pretty much cover the similarities.
Everything else is different.

> Not sure if it has management
> capability built-in or not.

Cache' does interface with BMC Patrol.
There was a thread on this.